Your health and safety, as well as our employees, is our highest priority especially as COVID-19 cases keeps rising. We, as a community cleaning company, are closely monitoring COVID-19 and it’s impact on our community. Although, we cannot control the severity of this virus, we can take precautionary measures to limit the spread. We’re currently working to keep our employees as well as our customers safe by following simple preventative measured set forth by the U.S federal Government, Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as other health agencies guidelines.
A few of the precautionary measures include:
Washing our hands with soap often, for at least 20 seconds.
Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer when soap and water are not available.
Keeping the recommended 6 feet from people who are sneezing/coughing.
Frequently cleaning and sanitizing commonly touched surfaces.
Covering a cough or sneeze with a tissue, then disposing the tissue in the trash, and washing our hands afterwards.
Staying home when sick.
Using only the best disinfecting cleaning products to ensure clean and quality work. Throughout the cleaning process we are having our teams constantly wash their hands in-between homes, switch out their cloths and other equipment.
We spend about 87% of our lifetime indoors, so we understand that cleanliness plays a large part in the comfort of your home. Here at Rosa Rios Cleaning we realize many homeowners just simply don’t have the time to clean their home as they please due to their busy lifestyles. A clean home is a happy and healthy home, which is why we clean your home as if it were our own, and offer comprehensive commercial and residential cleaning services. We also offer customized home cleaning services according to the wishes of our customers because, we understand every family has their own preferences when it comes to cleanliness.
For over 10 years, keeping your home clean has been and will remain to be our top priority
We offer services such as:
Deep cleanings
Disinfecting dry fog (safe on surfaces perfect for commercial/business properties)
Strip and wax
Sanitizing your home by wiping down everyday surfaces such as doorknobs, countertops, bathrooms, and other commonly touched areas.
Weekly/Biweekly regular cleanings
When working together, we can keep you and our employees safe.
Here’s a few suggestions on what you can do to help:
Follow tips provided from the CDC to help prevent COVID-19 from spreading.
Regularly wash your hands when touching any type of common surfaces.
Keep a safe 6ft distance in local areas.
Wear your mask and gloves to prevent the spread.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, give us a call (713)548-4644 or contact us.